Do’s and Don’ts: All you need to know about braces care


You have taken the first step towards your smile makeover and had braces fitted. It may take a while to get used to the feel of having braces in your mouth, but pretty soon, you will forget that they are there.

To give your braces a chance to work effectively, be sure to follow these important Dos and Don’ts.


1) Brush your teeth more frequently: 

Brush your teeth extra carefully. Proper brushing is more important than ever because food and plaque left around your braces can cause tooth decay and swollen gums.

Brush with an orthodontic toothbrush, Proxabrush (Inter-dental brush), and fluoride toothpaste after every meal.

Brushing with an orthodontic toothbrush – Move your brush in horizontal strokes. Brush over, above, and under the braces. (Refer to the above image)

Interdental Brush

Brushing with an Interdental/Proxa Brush

Use an interdental brush to remove plaque and food debris stuck between two teeth and around the braces. Make sure you brush all the surfaces of the brackets and teeth. (Refer to the above image)

2) Use Fluoride mouthwash: 

There are higher chances of food accumulation while you are wearing braces, which may lead to tooth decay if proper care isn’t taken.

Use fluoridated mouthwash at least once a day to protect your enamel.

3) Relief Wax: 

Apply relief wax over the sharp/pokey wires to overcome any discomfort. Report Breakages (if, any). Even if you are careful with your braces, they may occasionally break or become loose.

It is important to make an appointment to get them fixed as soon as you can, so your treatment stays on track. How to apply wax?

4) Wear Elastics and Retainers as directed by your orthodontist

5) Keep your appointments and arrive on time: 

For timely completion of the treatment, it is absolutely mandatory to keep with the appointment schedule.


Avoid these 5 things to sail through your braces journey smoothly:

1) Hard / Crunchy and sticky food items: 

Candies, Toffees (especially Eclairs), Thin crust pizzas, Popcorn, Nachos, Nuts, Hard Breads, Chikki, etc. Don’t gnaw meat on the bone or corn on the cob.

2) Biting into whole fruits and vegetables: You can have small pieces on the back teeth.

3) Biting on foreign objects like pens, pencils, and fingernails.

4) Chewing on Ice

5) Carbonated Drinks: Energy drinks, and flavored milk drinks as they are high in sugar and acids and cling around your braces and cause cavities.

Contact us in case of an emergency.

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